Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. a part of the earth in between the crust and mantle.
  2. 6. a theory that all continents were once joined.
  3. 8. Alfred _______ had a theory that all continents were once joined.
  4. 12. a part of the earth that forms the oceans.
  5. 14. large mountain in which lava and gas can escape from.
  6. 16. underground hot volcanic areas.
  7. 17. a massive wave.
  8. 18. when two plates gradually move away from each other.
  9. 19. a collection of ideas used to explain something that has not been confirmed.
  10. 20. a collection of trustworthy facts.
  1. 1. the slow, gradual movement of continents.
  2. 2. a theory involving the movement and structure of plates.
  3. 3. a part of the earth that is in between the core and the crust.
  4. 5. when two continents slide across each other.
  5. 7. a hot fluid occurring beneath the surface of earth.
  6. 9. movement in plate tectonics causing a violent shaking.
  7. 10. a naturally occurring land feature.
  8. 11. what remains of a prehistoric animal or plant.
  9. 13. a part of the earth that forms the land masses.
  10. 15. when two plates gradually move towards each other.