Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. an abrupt movement of soil and bedrock downhill in response to gravity
  2. 3. an active volcano that is in repose but is expected to erupt in the future.
  3. 5. a deep valley that forms as a result of tectonic plates moving apart on land
  4. 8. pieces of the earth's crust
  5. 10. one of the large landmasses of the earth
  6. 15. one plate sliding against another
  7. 17. tiny currents that carry thermal energy
  8. 18. semiliquid rock found beneath the earth's surface
  9. 20. a form of stress produced by the action of equal and opposite forces
  10. 21. an exceptionally large ocean wave, especially one caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption
  11. 25. the man who established the theory of continental drift
  12. 26. the bottom of the ocean
  13. 27. of or relating to the ocean
  14. 28. the movement of one tectonic plate under another tectonic plate
  15. 29. the place where two or more plates in the Earth's crust meet
  16. 30. a measure of the effects of an earthquake at a particular place on humans, structures and (or) the land itself
  17. 35. the opening at the Earth's surface through which volcanic materials erupt
  18. 36. sometimes sedimentary and igneous rocks are subject to pressures so intense or heat so high that they are completely changed
  19. 40. a geologist that uses physical principles to study the properties of the earth
  20. 42. the centre of the earth
  21. 43. the strength of an earthquake
  22. 44. stream of molten rock that erupts relatively nonexplosively from a volcano and moves slowly downslope.
  23. 47. two plates moving towards each other
  24. 49. a landform where molten rock erupts through the surface of the planet
  25. 50. the degree of hotness or coldness
  26. 51. a single thickness of some substance or material
  27. 52. the layer of the earth below the crust
  28. 53. an underwater earthquake
  29. 54. a series of underwater mountains that form as a result of tectonic plates moving apart and allowing magma to rise to the surface
  30. 55. the supercontinent that existed 335 million years ago
  31. 56. relating to earthquakes
  1. 1. a theory that the middle of the ocean is spreading apart, forming new oceanic crust
  2. 4. the layer of the Earth that lies below the lithosphere
  3. 5. the area of the Earth through which faulting occurred during an earthquake
  4. 6. rock that in its molten form issues from volcanos
  5. 7. the maximum height of a wave crest or depth of a trough
  6. 9. an area in the middle of a lithospheric plate where magma rises from the mantle and erupts at the Earth's surface
  7. 11. the deformation of the lithosphere
  8. 12. a sudden violent shaking of the ground
  9. 13. relating to eruptions of gas and lava from the Earth's crust
  10. 14. the regions of the Earth where living organisms exist
  11. 16. the system used to measure the strength of an earthquake
  12. 19. a fracture in rock where movement has occurred
  13. 22. outer layer of the earth
  14. 23. a written record of an earthquake, recorded by a siesmograph
  15. 24. the gradual movement of the continents across the earth's surface as a result of the movement of the plates they lie on
  16. 31. the upper layer of Earth's interior, including the crust and the brittle portion at the top of the mantle.
  17. 32. an instrument that records the motions of the Earth, especially earthquakes
  18. 33. underwater cliffs between the beach and ocean
  19. 34. a scientist who studies earthquakes
  20. 37. to bend or change direction
  21. 38. a region in which earthquakes are known to occur
  22. 39. an area of rock that has been bent by stress
  23. 41. two plates moving apart
  24. 45. a naturally occuring solid made of minerals
  25. 46. a risk
  26. 48. a deep ditch under the ocean along a tectonic plate boundary