Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. boundary where 2 plates move apart
  2. 4. occur at all plate boundaries
  3. 6. formed when 2 continental plates collide
  4. 9. the earth's surface is broken into pieces that float on molten rock; earthquakes, mountains,and volcanoes form
  5. 10. molten rock
  6. 12. boundary where 2 plates collide
  1. 1. chunks of lithosphere
  2. 3. boundary where plates slide side by side
  3. 5. where 2 plates collide and the more dense plate is recycled in the mantle
  4. 7. deep crack in the earth
  5. 8. when new crust forms as 2 oceanic plates move apart
  6. 11. forms where 2 plates collide