Plate Tectonics

  1. 6. Formed by subduction when a continental plate and oceanic plate converge
  2. 9. Layer of the Earth that is makes Earth a magnet
  3. 11. A large area of the land on Earth, such as Africa and Europe
  4. 13. Seismic waves that shake the ground back and forth, also known as compressional waves
  5. 14. Where two continental plates converge is called the _________
  6. 17. Seismic waves that occur on the Earth’s surface
  7. 18. The science that deals with nature and earth history
  8. 22. A massive continent, Pangaea is one
  9. 24. Something that records details of earthquakes including force and duration
  10. 26. Place within the Mantle where rocks melt to generate magma under volcanoes
  11. 28. The centre of Earth, the inner most layer
  12. 32. The founder of the continental drift theory Alfred ______
  13. 34. Hot fluid withing and below the Earth’s crust.
  14. 35. Basaltic lava forming very rough and jagged masses
  15. 37. The northern continent after Pangaea split
  16. 39. A process by which water-saturated sediment temporarily loses strength and acts as a fluid
  17. 40. A ______ volcano is composed of one layer of hardened lava, tephra and volcanic ash
  18. 42. The planet we live on
  19. 43. A fracture between two blocks of hard rock
  20. 47. The point directly above the focus.
  21. 48. When two tectonic plates slide against eachother
  22. 50. If a volcano is inactive but may erupt again it is considered _______
  23. 52. A violent shaking of the ground as a result of movements within the Earth’s crust
  24. 54. Seismic waves that occur in the Earth’s crust and move up and down
  25. 55. Where the seismic waves originate
  1. 1. There are 12 of these that make up the Earth’s surface
  2. 2. Upper layer of the Earth’s mantle, below the lithosphere
  3. 3. A ________ is composed of one layer of hardened lava, tephra and volcanic ash
  4. 4. A mountain having a vent where lava, rock fragmens, hot vapour and gas will erupt from
  5. 5. A small earthquake that occurs after the main earthquake
  6. 7. If a volcano has no record of every erupting it is considered ________
  7. 8. When two tectonic plates collide together
  8. 10. A numerical scale for measuring the magnitude of an earthquake
  9. 12. The edges were two tectonic plates meet is called _____
  10. 15. Layer of the Earth where convection currents occur
  11. 16. A layer of the Earth consisting of the crust and upper mantle
  12. 19. The thinnest and outer most layer of the Earth
  13. 20. When two oceanic plates diverge and the sea floor spreads it creates a ______
  14. 21. The southern continent after Pangaea split
  15. 23. A _______ volcano is steep and has volcanic materials built up around the volcanic vent
  16. 25. When one tectonic plate slides under the other when converging
  17. 27. Tectonic plate that sits underwater and is the thinner plate type
  18. 29. A series of large waves caused by underwater earthquakes and volcanic eruptions
  19. 30. A theory that ecplained how continents shift positions on the Earth’s surface
  20. 31. Hot molten rock erupted from a volcano.
  21. 33. Basaltic lava forming smooth undulating or ropy masses
  22. 36. If a volcano erupts frequently it is considered ______
  23. 38. The size of the volcanoes is measured in this unit
  24. 41. Tectonic plate that sits under land and is the thicker plate
  25. 44. Flowing fluid that is moving because there is a temperature or density difference
  26. 45. When two continental plates diverge and the surface spreads apart they create a _______
  27. 46. When two tectonic plates move away from eachother
  28. 49. A small earthquakes that occurs before the major earthquake
  29. 51. A _______ volcano has shallowly sloping sides, built up over time by flows of lava
  30. 53. The supercontinent believed to have once existed