Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. continents moved slowly to their current location
  2. 5. the layer of earth on which the crust floats
  3. 9. seven great land masses on the globe
  4. 10. supercontinent that incorporated almost all of Earth's landmasses in early geologic time
  5. 14. is a region where plates meet
  6. 15. the strong, lower part of the mantle between the asthenosphere and the outer core
  7. 16. the plastic-like layer below the lithosphere
  8. 17. the thin, outer surface of the earth
  9. 18. is the process in which the ocean floor is extended when two plates move apart
  10. 19. when denser rock is pushed down into the mantle so that it melts back into magma
  11. 20. very dense type of crust
  1. 1. it is the largest of all tectonic plates
  2. 2. boundary where plates slide past each other horizontally along transform faults
  3. 3. plates that move apart
  4. 6. current in Earth's mantle that transfers heat in earths interior and is the driving force for plate tectonics
  5. 7. plate boundaries where two plates come together
  6. 8. it is made up of two parts – the crust and the rigid upper part of the mantle
  7. 11. the innermost layer of the earth
  8. 12. Earth's crust and part of the upper mantle are broken into sections
  9. 13. portion of the Earth's crust that lies beneath the ocean floor