Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. This is an example of a volcanic island.
  2. 6. A type of plate boundary where oceanic crust is pushed into the mantle.
  3. 10. The name of the deepest oceanic trench.
  4. 12. A movement caused when a liquid or a gas is heated.
  5. 13. An area of weakness found between two transform plates.
  6. 14. The main part of the earth, where magma is found.
  7. 16. These are found underwater at divergent plate boundaries.
  8. 17. A type of mountain found at a collision plate boundary.
  9. 18. Formed at destructive plate boundaries, they are the deepest parts of the ocean
  10. 19. An example of a fold mountain in Asia.
  11. 20. The centre of the earth, the heat source.
  1. 2. A plate boundary where plates are divergent.
  2. 3. A type of movement where plates slide past each other.
  3. 4. A massive, irregularly shaped slab of solid rock, generally composed of both continental and oceanic rock.
  4. 5. Type of crust where our continents are found.
  5. 7. Solid rock, the outermost layer of the earth.
  6. 8. A shaking of the ground caused by the movement of plates.
  7. 9. The term for when oceanic crust is pushed under continental crust.
  8. 11. A famous fault line in California
  9. 15. A crater or vent through which lava, and gas have been erupted from the earth's crust.