Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. Tectonics, theory of structure of earths crust
  2. 7. move away from each other
  3. 9. science concerned with earthquakes
  4. 11. one of 2 waves
  5. 12. shear waves
  6. 14. sideways and downwards movement of earth’s crust
  7. 15. movement of magma inside a volcano
  8. 16. waves, surface waves
  9. 17. a long sea wave
  10. 18. large scale model
  1. 1. sudden and violent shaking ground
  2. 2. one slides beneath another
  3. 4. waves, horizontal polarized surfaced waves
  4. 5. points, initial rupture or focus
  5. 6. connects to another plate
  6. 8. ruptures in crust of mass object
  7. 10. sliding down mass of earth and rock
  8. 12. waves, elastic wave in earth produced by earthquakes
  9. 13. geyser is a volcano
  10. 15. hot lava and volcanic ash