Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. A type of volcano that has a domed shape
  2. 4. the slower more strong body wave
  3. 5. the faster, less powerful body wave
  4. 6. A surface wave that rolls.
  5. 9. The more dense, thinner crust.
  6. 11. A stress type that pushes things away
  7. 14. a plate boundary that slides past another plate
  8. 15. A plate boundary that collides
  1. 2. a surface wave that moves side to side
  2. 3. Happens at convergent and divergent boundarys
  3. 4. A type of stress that makes things slide past each other
  4. 7. Happens at every plate boundary
  5. 8. The less dense but thicker crust
  6. 10. A type of volcano that has a steep coned shape
  7. 12. A plate boundary that goes apart
  8. 13. When a rock fractures and it moves
  9. 15. A stress type that pushes things together