plate tectonics

  1. 2. can be explosive or non-explosive
  2. 3. formed by subduction zones
  3. 7. formed by divergent boundry
  4. 11. type of stress where things are being pushed together
  5. 12. stress moving past eachother
  6. 14. soliod iron and nickle
  7. 15. stress moving away from eachother
  8. 16. can be normal, reverse, or strike slip
  9. 17. layers of the earth based of states of matter
  10. 19. plates moving towards eachother
  1. 1. the point on the surface directly above the focus
  2. 4. occur on plate boundaries
  3. 5. when magma comes out of a mid ocean ridge
  4. 6. moves plates
  5. 8. tectonic plates moving away from eachother
  6. 9. layer of the earth
  7. 10. tecttonic plates sliding past eachother
  8. 11. above the mantle
  9. 13. where a rock ruptures in an earthquake
  10. 18. liquid