Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. the type of stress that occurs when an object is squeezed
  2. 3. The third layer of earth, under the mantle
  3. 5. When oceanic crust sinks below continental crust
  4. 6. the theory that the Earth's crust is split up into pieces that move around on top of the mantle
  5. 7. When two tectonic plates move past each other.
  6. 9. When two tectonic plates spread apart
  7. 10. A fault in which the hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall.
  8. 15. A fault in which the hanging wall moves up relative to the footwall
  9. 16. the type of stress that occurs when forces act to stretch an object
  10. 17. The part of the mantle which parts of the lithosphere move.
  11. 19. The Core of earth, The fourth layer.
  12. 20. the bending of rock layers due to stress in the Earth's crust
  13. 21. When two tectonic plates collide.
  1. 1. The theory that continents can drift apart from one another and have in the past.
  2. 4. The top layer of earth, where we live.
  3. 8. The outermost, layer of the Earth that has the crust and also the upper part of the mantle.
  4. 11. A break in the Earth's crust along which two blocks of the crust slide.
  5. 12. The amount of force/pressure put on a certain material.
  6. 13. The lower part of the mantle between the asthenosphere and the outer core.
  7. 14. When two fault pieces move past eachother.
  8. 18. The second layer of earth, under the crust