plate tectonics

  1. 3. Zone, Where one tectonic plate is pushed under by another plate.
  2. 4. what is another name for the layer of crust that we live on.
  3. 7. waves, ____________ were used to map the bottom of the ocean floor, it also led to the discovery of the mid ocean ridge.
  4. 10. what kind of plate can cause an Earthquake.
  5. 12. plate, Less dense than the oceanic plate.
  6. 13. what kind of landforms can be created by transform boundaries.
  7. 14. What kind of plant fossils were used as proof of continental drift.
  8. 18. the upper layer of the earth's mantle
  9. 19. Hess, The person that proposed the theory of seafloor spreading
  10. 20. ocean ridge, Is created by two oceanic plates moving away from one another.
  1. 1. The layer of Earth underneath the Crust.
  2. 2. currents, What in the mantle powers the movement in the mantle.
  3. 5. what was the name of the supercontinent?
  4. 6. other word for lithosphere
  5. 8. plates,These plates are more dense than the continental plate.
  6. 9. The dividing line between two plates.
  7. 11. A crustal feature is called a ____________?
  8. 15. Challenger, What is the name of the boat that picked samples from the mid ocean ridge.
  9. 16. _____ evidence helped prove Alfred Wengener's theory on continental drift.
  10. 17. Himalayas, The mountain range that holds Mount Everest, and was created by two convergent plate boundaries.
  11. 18. Wegener, The person that proposed the theory of continental drift.