Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. earthquakes occur here
  2. 6. this type of material describes both magma and lava
  3. 10. home state of the San Andreas fault
  4. 11. Mount Everest is part of this mountain range
  5. 14. the study of the oceans
  6. 15. type of valley that occurs at a divergent boundary
  7. 17. one who studies weather patterns; Wegner was one
  8. 18. used by scientists to measure plate movements
  9. 19. type of heat transfer involving density
  1. 1. type of boundary where plates are moving away from each other
  2. 2. subduction occurs at this type of plate boundary
  3. 4. where one would find a mid-ocean ridge
  4. 5. ocean that hosts the "Ring of Fire"
  5. 7. word that describes two or more objects moving toward each other
  6. 8. type of crust that is more dense
  7. 9. type of plates that make up the surface of Earth
  8. 12. 115 million years ago Australia was attached to this continent
  9. 13. underwater volcanoes
  10. 16. a good guess based on scientific facts