Plate tectonics

  1. 2. an agreement negotiating greenhouse gas targets
  2. 3. A Chinese citizen group fighting internet censorship in China
  3. 5. the average number of births per thousand women of childbearing age.
  4. 6. the tendency for a population to grow despite a fall in the birth rate or fertility levels is population..
  5. 8. The extent to which cultures are mixed
  6. 9. The Earths water, whether in solid, liquid or gaseous form
  7. 10. The character of a poor urban area is changed by wealthier people moving in.
  8. 13. When a product or service is adapted to the culture it is sold in.
  9. 15. The degree to which a human or system is susceptible to an event
  10. 16. Meat produced in a laboratory
  11. 17. An agency that helps millions of refugees around the world
  1. 1. her mission is to promote the circular economy
  2. 4. A fast spreading outbreak of a disease in a community
  3. 7. the study of disease
  4. 11. The amount of solar radiation reaching a given area
  5. 12. She was anti-Malthusian
  6. 14. Measures take to reduce the causes of climate change