Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. Plates move (diverge or converge) along their borders and build up energy
  2. 2. A theory that the earth's surface is broken into plates that move
  3. 6. Long crack, fissure, or trough that forms between tectonic plates moving apart at plate boundaries
  4. 7. waves Wave in the Earth produced by an earthquake
  5. 9. A break in Earth's crust where masses of rock slip past each other
  6. 10. Measure of the energy released during an earthquake
  7. 11. Type of seismic earthquake waves that are slower and only travel through solids
  8. 14. Seismic waves that travel along the Earth's surface
  1. 1. Waves that travel outward from an earthquake's focus and cause particles in rocks to move back and forth in the same direction the wave is moving
  2. 3. The point beneath Earth's surface where rock breaks under stress and causes an earthquake
  3. 4. The shaking that results from the movement of rock beneath Earth's surface
  4. 5. The point on Earth's surface directly above an earthquake focus
  5. 8. A type of plate movement that occurs when one plate sinks beneath another plate
  6. 12. A mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor and gas are being or have been erupted from the earth's crust
  7. 13. The belief that the Earth's continents were once one big supercontinent