plate tectonics

  1. 7. thing that move under you and move as fast as your finger nails grow
  2. 8. made himalayas and folded moutains
  3. 11. what can harded and make a island
  4. 12. a place where a lot of volcanos form and is a state
  5. 14. makes volcanicarcs and aleutain islands in alaska
  6. 15. volcanos from cascades in washington
  7. 16. the tallest mountain in the world
  8. 17. caused by earth tectonic plates sliding past eachother
  9. 18. formed bay convergent bounderes and are a lot of moutains
  1. 1. to plates colliding
  2. 2. sinks below
  3. 3. older crust that goes under the other one makes
  4. 4. two plates diverge and make one
  5. 5. to plates going away from eachother
  6. 6. two plates divrge and make one
  7. 9. plates slideing pass eachother
  8. 10. when the sea floor pulls oposite directions
  9. 13. a fault that is location is in californa