Plate tectonics

  1. 3. Boundary: Where two plates meet and collide,
  2. 5. to the continental crust,Mid ocean ridge is an underwater mountain range, formed by plate tectonics.
  3. 6. Boundaries: A place where two plates slip past each other, moving in oppisite directions,
  4. 9. the relatively thick part of the earth's crust that forms the large landmasses. It is generally older and more complex than the oceanic crust.The San Andreas Fault: is a continental transform fault that extends roughly 1,000 kilometers through California. It forms the tectonic boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate, and its motion is right-lateral strike-slip.
  5. 10. What the lithosphere is broken into. A plate can cover a continent the ocean floor or both,
  6. 12. volcano in hawaii
  7. 13. theory of plate tectonics explains the formation, movement, and subduction of Earth’s plates,
  8. 14. Theory: A well-tested concept that explains a wide reange of observations,
  1. 1. crust: The relatively thin part of the earth's crust which underlies the ocean basins it is young
  2. 2. Boundaries: A place where two plates move apart,
  3. 4. sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.
  4. 7. Breaks in the Earth’s crust where rocks have slipped past each other,
  5. 8. ridge:location of mid ocean ridge
  6. 10. Tectonics: The geological theory that states that pieces of Earth’s lithosphere are in constane slow motion driven by convection currents in the mantle,
  7. 11. Valley: Where the Earth’s surface is being pulled apart by a divergent boundary,