Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. Scientist who proposed the idea of seafloor spreading
  2. 6. The primary force that causes the seafloor to spread and continents to drift
  3. 7. Plate ____________
  4. 8. The theory of continental _________
  5. 9. Places where new seafloor is being created
  6. 12. Seafloor ____________
  7. 13. The deepest parts of the oceans
  8. 15. The zone below the lithosphere. It is more "plastic" than the lithosphere so it is easier to bend and move
  1. 2. ____________ zones. Places where the seafloor is forced under continental plates
  2. 3. The Earth's ___________ field reverses from time to time
  3. 4. The most outer, solid portion of the planet Earth
  4. 5. Section of the Earth below the crust
  5. 10. Alfred Wegener noticed that the coast of South America seemed to fit into the coast of this continent, just like a jigsaw puzzle
  6. 11. Scientist who first proposed the theory that the continents drifted
  7. 12. A device that scientists use to map the ocean floor
  8. 14. Paleontologists noticed that these were the same on different continents even though the continents were separated by oceans