Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. A place where two plates move away from each other is called a ______ boundary
  2. 5. A place where two plates move towards each other is called a ________ boundary
  3. 7. The Indian Australian plate is moving _____ the Eurasian plate.
  4. 8. Place where two plates meet
  5. 11. The ___________________ is at a divergent plate boundary, where new ocean is being created
  6. 12. The _______ fault in California is an example of a transform boundary
  7. 15. When two continental plates collide, it can form _________
  8. 16. The ____ plate is between the pacific and south american plates
  1. 1. When one plate moves under another, it is called _______
  2. 2. Plate tectonics is driven by _______ in the mantle, which interacts with the crust of the Earth
  3. 3. When oceanic crust sinks underneath continental crust, one of these can form under water
  4. 6. A place where two plates slide next to each other is called a _______ boundary
  5. 9. Plate tectonics builds upon Alfred Wegener's theory of continental _______
  6. 10. The _______'s are an example of what can form at a convergent plate boundary
  7. 13. the pacific plate is moving ______ from the Nazca plate
  8. 14. These can form at convergent plate boundaries. This is why we have the Ring of Fire around the pacific ocean.