Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. the relatively thin part of the earth's crust which underlines the ocean basins
  2. 4. the bending of rock layers
  3. 6. boundary between two colliding plates
  4. 7. theory that continents drift apart
  5. 11. the circulation of material caused by differences in temperature and density
  6. 14. capable of being molded or changing shape without breaking
  7. 16. boundary between two plates that are sliding past each other
  8. 17. as a slab sinks, it pulls on the rest of the plate with a force
  9. 18. layer between the crust and the core
  10. 20. a region where an oceanic plate sinks down into the athenosphere
  11. 21. the solid mineral material forming part of the surface of the earth and other similar planets, exposed on the surface or underlying the soil or oceans
  1. 1. piece of the lithosphere that moves on the asthenosphere
  2. 3. new lithosphere is created here
  3. 5. boundary between two plates moving away from each other
  4. 8. a pulling force
  5. 9. outer most, rigid layer of the Earth
  6. 10. rising mantle material at mid-ocean ridges creates the potential for plates to move away from the ridge with a force
  7. 12. outermost layer of the earth
  8. 13. a break in the Earth's crust
  9. 15. a squeezing force
  10. 19. layer of the mantle