Plate Tectonics and Earthquakes

  1. 4. When plates move away from each other it’s what kind of boundary?
  2. 5. Hess The theory of seafloor spreading was suggested by?
  3. 6. The movement of the continents plates is the Continental..?
  4. 8. The rocks that are what are located near mid-ocean ridges?
  5. 11. Earthquakes are causes by Seismic..?
  6. 12. The layer below the lithosphere is called the?
  7. 16. The place where a rock breaks?
  8. 17. Plates collide at what kind of boundaries?
  9. 18. “Pangaea” is Greek for All..?
  1. 1. How many types of seismic zones are there?
  2. 2. The theory stating that hot, less dense material flows up and sideways under the earth crust is called Seafloor..?
  3. 3. An earthquake under 2.0 is called a?
  4. 7. The what fit together like puzzle pieces?
  5. 9. An earthquake over 6.0 can cause serious?
  6. 10. The crust and the upper mantle makeup the?
  7. 11. Alfred what came up with the theory of the Continental Drift?
  8. 13. What is the name of the super continent suggested by Alfred Wegner
  9. 14. How many major crustal plates are there?
  10. 15. The convection current consists of heating, rising, cooling, and?