Plate tectonics and Earthquakes

  1. 2. When rocks experience tension pulling them apart. Creating a hanging wall which is a block of rock that lies above a footwall, rock that lies below. The Hanging wall decrease in height will the footwall increases in height.
  2. 5. The force applied on the Transform plate boundary. Stress pushes a mass of rock two directions.
  3. 6. When two plates move away from each other. This pushes the plates away from each other.
  4. 8. When two plates come together. The more dense plate subducts underneath.
  5. 10. When rocks experience a shearing against each other as the slip past each other sideways, with little up or down motion.
  6. 11. When enough stress builds up in a rock, the rock breaks creating a ___________.
  7. 13. A German meteorologist proposed the idea of of the Supercontinent Pangea. This developed the theory of Continental Drift
  1. 1. The force applied on Convergent plate boundary. Squeezes rock until folds or breaks.
  2. 3. When rocks experience compression pushing them together. Creating a reverse function of the normal fault in which the hanging wall increases in height and footwall decreases in height.
  3. 4. The force applied on the divergent plate boundary. Pulls on the crust stretching the rock so that it becomes thinner in the middle.
  4. 7. When two plates slide past each other.
  5. 9. When Earth's outermost layer, or Lithosphere made up of the crust and upper mantle is broken into rocky plates
  6. 12. A sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.