Plate Tectonics and Land Features

  1. 2. Crust Outermost layer of Earth's lithosphere that is found under the oceans
  2. 3. Boundary two tectonics that are moving away from each other
  3. 5. Tectonics Sections of the Earth's lithosphere
  4. 6. Current transfers heat from one place to another
  5. 9. Ridge Created by seafloor spreading; Formed at divergent boundaries
  6. 10. Upper part of Earth's mantle; beneath the lithosphere
  7. 12. Boundary Two tectonic plates slide away and against each other
  8. 13. A long, steep-sided valley on the ocean floor
  1. 1. Boundary two tectonic plates are moving toward each other and collide
  2. 4. When the lithosphere is pulling away from each other creating cracks or fissures
  3. 5. When the continents were all connected together
  4. 6. Drift Movement of the continents
  5. 7. Crust The outer layer of Earth
  6. 8. Outer part of Earth including crust and mantle
  7. 11. Spreading New oceanic crust that is created by volcanic activity