Plate Tectonics and Plate Boundaries

  1. 2. Boundary where two tectonic plates collide
  2. 4. Occurs at a transform boundary. Its magnitude is recorded on a Richter scale.
  3. 6. Is created at a transform boundary (San Andreas ______).
  4. 7. When two plates of different densities collide, causing the denser one to get pushed under the other (creates volcanoes).
  5. 8. Is formed at a divergent boundary in between two Oceanic plates.
  6. 9. Boundary where two tectonic plates move away from each other (creates rifts)
  1. 1. The layer below the lithosphere.
  2. 3. There are two types of _______. Continental and Oceanic.
  3. 5. Boundary where two tectonic plates slide past each other
  4. 8. The convection currents that move tectonic plates are located in this layer of the Earth.