Plate tectonics and Rock Cycle

  1. 3. Melted rock below ground
  2. 5. when to plates pull apart
  3. 7. formed when an island has eroded below water level
  4. 8. when two plates slide past each other
  5. 11. The current below the Earth's crust
  6. 13. Formed from cooling magma or lava
  7. 15. Formed from lava outside the Earth's crust
  8. 17. when two plates push together
  9. 18. Rock formed under extreme heat and pressure
  1. 1. Pieces of broken rock cemented
  2. 2. how the Hawaiian islands were formed
  3. 4. formed by two diverging oceanic plates
  4. 6. formed by a transform boundary
  5. 9. Melted rock above ground
  6. 10. Formed from magma inside the Earth's crust
  7. 12. What the Earth's crust is broken in to
  8. 14. formed by two converging continental plates
  9. 16. Small pieces of rock broken down