Plate Tectonics and Rock Cycle

  1. 2. - plates that slide past
  2. 5. - changed by heat and pressure
  3. 7. - 2% of Earth's mass
  4. 11. - tallest mountain
  5. 12. - Old Faithful
  6. 13. - the type of rocks that contains fossils
  1. 1. - the supercontinent
  2. 3. - first layer, the continents, and the ocean floor
  3. 4. - shaking of the earth's surface from tectonic plates
  4. 6. - colliding plate boundary
  5. 8. - separate from each other
  6. 9. - below the crust (not pizza)
  7. 10. - rocks formed deep in the ground, once cooled it makes magma