Plate Tectonics By: Chloe and Jack

  1. 2. Occurs on land because of divergent boundaries.
  2. 4. Super Continent 250 million years ago.
  3. 6. Two plates colliding can form these.
  4. 8. Where two oceanic plates move apart.
  5. 10. Two plates sliding past each other.
  6. 11. The movement of the Earth's plates.
  7. 12. Year Alfred Wegener introduced his theory.
  8. 16. Scientists use these in rocks to prove Pangaea.
  9. 19. A ridge where two oceanic plates move apart is called a..
  10. 20. Boundary where two plates are moving in opposite directions.
  1. 1. A major fault in California.
  2. 3. The USUAL highest number of inches a continent moves every year.
  3. 5. Boundary where two plates collide.
  4. 7. Theory about the moving continents.
  5. 9. Wegener's theory wasn't believed because there was no...
  6. 13. Boundary where two plates are sliding past each other.
  7. 14. How many plates there are.
  8. 15. Continents sit on these.
  9. 17. Trenches occur at this zone.
  10. 18. Fossils found here match up with South American fossils.