Plate Tectonics by Eemonie Moore

  1. 4. a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.
  2. 8. The average amount of energy of motion in the molecules of a substance
  3. 9. The transfer of heat by movements of a fluid
  4. 10. two tectonic plates of the lithosphere move toward one another and collide,____ boundary
  5. 13. the thickest layer of the earth
  6. 14. the center of the earth. This is made out of iron and nickel
  7. 16. this item contains ice and brought water to earth
  8. 17. The process by which ocenic crust sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle at a convergent plate boundary
  9. 18. the thinnest layer of the earth
  10. 19. has a sliding motion and causes a lot of earthquakes,______ boundary
  1. 1. A hot fluid below the earths crust which lava and other igneous rock is formed by cooling
  2. 2. The direct transfer of energy through empty space by electromagnetic wave
  3. 3. exists between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other, _____boundary
  4. 5. an area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur
  5. 6. a theory explaining the structure of the earth's crust and many associated phenomena
  6. 7. when magma rises through the cracks of the earth and erupts it forms______
  7. 9. Transfer of heat from one substance to another by direct contact of particles of matter
  8. 11. The amount of mass in given space
  9. 12. The amount of force pushing on a surface or area
  10. 15. this is made from debris of the earth when another planet hit earth. It orbits the earth