Plate Tectonics by Julia Collins

  1. 2. When a volcano is resting
  2. 5. The man who discovered seafloor spreading.
  3. 7. An abnormally up welling of molten material within the earth's crust.
  4. 10. The slowest most destructive seismic waves.
  5. 14. The heating and cooling of rock.
  6. 16. When two plates move away from each other.
  7. 17. Composed of silica and magnesium and makes up oceanic crust.
  8. 18. A broad, flat volcano.
  9. 19. A volcano with short, steep sides.
  1. 1. A block of rock that lies on the underside of an inclined fault.
  2. 3. A large sea wave caused by earthquakes or underwater landslides.
  3. 4. The seismic waves that arrive first.
  4. 6. Alfred Wegener thought continents were pulled apart by a mechanism called?
  5. 8. The name of the mountain that erupted in Pompeii, Italy.\
  6. 9. There are three types of faults, normal, strike slip and?
  7. 10. What seismic waves are measured by.
  8. 11. The movement of the earth's crust resulting from the release of potential energy between two stuck tectonic plates.
  9. 12. When two plates come together.
  10. 13. A 12 step scale that measures the intensity of an earthquake
  11. 15. The location on the earth's crust where the earthquake occurred.