Plate Tectonics By: Mathew Rodriguez

  1. 2. rock layers bend under stress
  2. 5. when 2 plates collide
  3. 9. the lithosphere divided into different parts
  4. 11. Stress that pushes rock in a parallel position
  5. 12. located between the core and the crust
  6. 13. extends below the mantle to the center of the earth
  7. 15. plates that move away from each other
  8. 18. lower part of the mantle
  9. 19. All the continents put together
  10. 20. place within earth
  11. 21. pulls rock apart
  1. 1. magnetic patterns of sea floor rock
  2. 3. Liquid layer of earths crust
  3. 4. Where 2 or more tectonic plates meet
  4. 6. Any place where gas, ash, or melted rock come out of the ground.
  5. 7. the outer most layer of earth
  6. 8. a layer of weak or soft mantle
  7. 10. describes large scale movements of earths lithosphere
  8. 14. stress that squeezes or pushes rock together
  9. 16. center of our planet
  10. 17. 2 plates move suddenly releasing energy