Plate Tectonics CROSS/SEARCH

  1. 3. Covers the axon and works like an insulator to keep the signal inside the cell
  2. 5. Nerve that carries impulses to the brain or spinal cord
  3. 7. Connector nerve cells that carry messages between sensory and motor neurons
  4. 9. Lobe of the cerebrum that is responsible for visual processing
  5. 12. Lobe of the cerebrum that is responsible for movement, balance
  6. 13. An involuntary response to something, which happens quickly use to protect your body from harm
  7. 14. controls all body functions by sending and receiving messages up and down the spinal cord through the nerves
  8. 17. Lobe of the cerebrum that is responsible for auditory, memory
  9. 18. Neuron cell body
  10. 20. A pathway in which your brain sends and receives information about what is happening in and around the body
  11. 22. The message carried by neurons is called a nerve.
  12. 23. Carries messages to and from parts of the body to the central nervous system through nerves
  1. 1. Sends information through peripheral nerves to your central nervous system
  2. 2. A gap that separates the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of the next neuron
  3. 4. Makes sure processes in your body work automatically
  4. 6. Made up of the brain and spinal cord
  5. 8. Connects brain to spinal cord controls hunger, body temperature, blood pressure and breathing
  6. 10. Located under the cerebrum in the back of the brain and controls balance and complex actions like walking
  7. 11. Neuron A nerve that carries impulses from the brain or spinal cord to a muscle or gland
  8. 15. Lobe of the cerebrum that is responsible for reasoning, planning
  9. 16. brings electrical signals towards the soma
  10. 19. Takes information away from the soma
  11. 20. Specialized cells that carry messages through an electrochemical process
  12. 21. Largest part of the brain that uses information from our senses to tell us what is going on and how to respond