Plate Tectonics CROSS/SEARCH

  1. 2. when parallel rays of light hit a smooth surface
  2. 6. a measure of how much a ray of light bends when it enters a new material
  3. 8. the bending of light rays resulting from the change in speed of the light that travels through more than one medium
  4. 11. the idea that the angle of light reflection equals the angle of incidence
  5. 12. a material that reflects or absorbs all of the light that strikes it
  6. 13. A relative expression of the intensity of the energy output of a visible light source
  7. 14. a material that scatters light as the light passes through
  1. 1. when light rays are scattered by reflecting off of a bumpy surface
  2. 3. lenses that bend light toward a central focal point
  3. 4. the part of the electromagnetic spectrum, between infrared and ultraviolet, that can be sensed with the human eye.
  4. 5. a material that transmits light
  5. 7. lenses that bend light outward away from a focal point
  6. 9. when light does not pass through or reflect from material, but remains in the material as energy
  7. 10. colors that when combined in equal amounts produce white light