Plate Tectonics Crossword

  1. 4. _______ shoot steam and water high into the air.
  2. 7. ________ are magma plumes, which push up from the outercore/mantle.
  3. 10. A ______________ is a pattern of volcanoes in a straight line due to the plate moving over a hotspot (ex: Hawaiian Islands).
  4. 13. What boundary is when the plates move away from each other?
  5. 14. _______ is a "super continent" created about 300 million years ago when all the continents were once connected.
  6. 15. The Australian and Pacific plates are an example of a __________ plate boundary.
  1. 1. ___________ shake the ground and occur along plate boundaries & volcanoes.
  2. 2. The major discovery that was made by Alfred Wegener was called ________ spreading.
  3. 3. What boundary is when the plates move towards each other?
  4. 5. What layer of the Earth is made up of the upper mantle?
  5. 6. What flies into the upper atmosphere that can lead us to lack of supplies, warmth, and sunlight after a volcano has erupted?
  6. 8. What other than trenches do convergent boundary's create?
  7. 9. What boundary is when the plates move alongside each other?
  8. 11. Pillow ____ is a pillow shaped smooth rock formed from volcanoes in the ocean.
  9. 12. What layer of the Earth is made up of the crust and uppermost part of the mantle?