Plate Tectonics Crossword:

  1. 2. The amount of major plates there are. (Spelled out)
  2. 3. Supercontinents from before the time of dinosaurs.
  3. 5. Made of primarily granite and is about 25 miles thick.
  4. 6. Made of primarily basalt and is about 5 miles thick.
  5. 8. When plates interact in a violent way shaking the crust.
  6. 10. When one plate sinks under another.
  1. 1. When two plates come together.
  2. 4. The other major continent during the time of the dinosaurs in the south.
  3. 7. An oceanic event caused by plate activity, usually in Japan and Asia.
  4. 9. One of the two continents during the time of the dinosaurs in the north.