Plate Tectonics Crossword

  1. 3. this occurs when one plate is heaver then the other slides underneath the less dence plate
  2. 5. this type of boundary is where two plates rub together
  3. 6. core made up of liquid iron and nickel
  4. 7. contains the crust and a portion of the upper layer of the mantel
  5. 9. contains magma and convection currents
  6. 10. the name given to the mass of land that existed before continental drift
  7. 11. core made up of solid iron and nickel
  1. 1. this type of boundary is where plates come together
  2. 2. outermost layer of the earth
  3. 4. this type of boundary is where plates move apart
  4. 8. the scientist that came up with the idea of Continental Drift
  5. 10. largest tectonic plate