Plate Tectonics Crossword

  1. 3. A landform that rises above the surrounding land sharply and is the result of a convergent boundary
  2. 6. This ridge is located under the Atlantic ocean and is the product of a divergent plate boundary
  3. 7. A place where magma rises to the lithosphere and causes several volcanoes in one spot
  4. 9. The thicker section of Earth's crust that is under and includes the continents
  5. 12. The name of the landmass that split 200 million years ago
  6. 13. The soft layer of the mantle that the crust floats on
  7. 15. The shaking that normally is a product of a transform boundary
  8. 17. A valley caused by a divergent plate boundary
  9. 19. The thinner section of Earth's crust that is located under the ocean
  10. 20. A boundary where two tectonic plates are moving toward each other
  11. 21. the outermost and thinnest layer of the earth
  12. 23. The current in which the hot liquid rises to the top and the cool liquid sinks to the bottom
  13. 24. The process that forms a new seafloor
  1. 1. When a denser plate sinks below a less dense plate;occurs at a convergent boundary
  2. 2. The theory that states that before the continents of today, the continents were all joined into one super continent that split due to plate tectonics
  3. 4. The layer of hot semisolid metal that is in between the crust and outermost layer of the core, this is this thickest layer of the Earth
  4. 5. The rigid outermost layer of the earth that includes the crust and the top layer of the mantle
  5. 8. A boundary where two tectonic plates are moving away form each other
  6. 10. The dense sphere of solid iron and nickel in the center of the Earth
  7. 11. A mountain, normally with a crater at it's peak,that occasionally ejects lava from it's core;normally the cause of mass destruction if a structure is too close
  8. 14. The layer right above the Inner Core that is liquid metal instead of solid
  9. 16. A steep canyon on the ocean floor
  10. 18. The sections of the Earth's crust that float on top of the mantle and move due to convection currents
  11. 22. A boundary where two plates are sliding past each other
  12. 25. A dip caused by a divergent plate boundary