Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle #2

  1. 2. Theory that the lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates that move on the asthenosphere.
  2. 3. The Theory of Continental _____________.
  3. 6. Paleontologists noticed that these were the same on different continents even though the continents were separated by oceans.
  4. 9. Type of plate boundary where two plates slide past each other in opposite directions.
  5. 10. The layer just below the lithosphere.
  6. 13. Type of crust that is thinner and contains basalt.
  7. 14. The Earth's ______________ field reverses from time to time.
  8. 15. Places where new seafloor is being created.
  9. 18. The primary force that causes the seafloor to spread and continents to drift.
  10. 19. Scientist who first proposed that thermal convection in the mantle causes continental drift.
  1. 1. Scientists study these in order to learn about the interior of the earth.
  2. 2. The name of the supercontinent that existed 245 million years ago.
  3. 4. Source of heat in the mantle.
  4. 5. The cool, outermost layer of Earth that consists of the crust and uppermost part of the mantle.
  5. 7. The core is made up mostly of these two elements.
  6. 8. how many tectonic plates are there.
  7. 11. ______________ zones. Places where the seafloor is forced under continental plates.
  8. 12. Scientist who first proposed the theory that the continents drifted.
  9. 16. where everyone lives.
  10. 17. gushing out hot liquid.