Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. If magma reaches the surface without cooling and solidifying, it can break through in the form of _______________ eruptions.
  2. 4. Where plates move apart,_______________ form.
  3. 6. At _______________ boundaries, neighbouring plates are moving toward one another.
  4. 7. A continental rift, often referred to as a rift valley, forms where continental plates_______________.
  5. 9. Earthquakes send out _______________ waves when there is movement along transform boundaries.
  6. 10. In a subduction zone, the subducted _______________ becomes molten and forms magma chambers.
  7. 14. Oceanic plates are pulled _______________ continental plates.
  8. 16. _______________ is when one plate is pulled under another.
  9. 19. Where a continental plate converges with an oceanic plate, the thinner, denser _______________ plate subducts beneath the thicker, more rigid _______________ plate
  10. 20. At_______________ boundaries, neighbouring plates are moving away from one another.
  11. 23. The rifting of plates allows _______________ to move to the surface.
  1. 1. The edges of tectonic plates are called _______________.
  2. 3. Plates move because of forces in the _______________.
  3. 5. Subduction creates a _______________ between the plates and a subduction zone below.
  4. 8. Movements of crust often result in _______________.
  5. 11. When magma cools in a rift,it creates more _______________ in the gap between the plates.
  6. 12. At _______________ boundaries, neighbouring plates are sliding past one another or locked in place as they are trying to slide past one another.
  7. 13. Where plates _______________, earthquakes occur and volcanoes and mountains form.
  8. 15. During subduction, magma that is less _______________ than the rest of the mantle rises to the surface.
  9. 17. An _______________ rift, often referred to as a rift valley, forms where oceanic plates diverge.
  10. 18. Where oceanic plates converge, the _______________, denser plate subducts under the less dense plate.
  11. 21. At convergent boundaries, neighbouring plates are moving _______________ one another.
  12. 22. Continental plates are _______________ in strength.