Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle #1

  1. 5. Layer of earth that is composed of Fe & Ni and is solid.
  2. 6. Word used to describe the state of the mantle.
  3. 8. Scientist that proposed Earth's continents were once joined together in one single land mass
  4. 10. The process of plates sliding past each other in opposite directions. This can be found at transform boundaries and results in faults.
  5. 12. Layer of earth with the lowest temperature.
  6. 14. This is the process of creating new oceanic crust.
  7. 16. Earths thickest layer.
  8. 18. These occur at transform boundary faults and can cause tremendous devastation.
  9. 19. This is a type of heat transfer (hint: lava lamp). Some scientist believe these are occurring in the mantle and moving the tectonic plates.
  10. 20. The bending and crumpling of rock. This happens at continental vs. continental convergent boundaries and results in the tallest mountains.
  1. 1. Theory that the continents were once as one large, single land mass.
  2. 2. Layer of earth that is composed of Fe & Ni and is liquid.
  3. 3. Type of crust that is thick and contains granite.
  4. 4. Type of plate boundary where two plates separate or move apart.
  5. 7. These form under water (on the ocean floor) at most convergent boundaries.
  6. 9. When one tectonic plate moves underneath another one, it's called this.
  7. 11. This forms on land at divergent plate boundaries. There is a great one in Eastern Africa.
  8. 13. Areas along the transform boundary created by the shearing of two pieces of crust. There is a famous one in California.
  9. 15. These are formed under water at divergent plate boundaries. They are areas where new ocean crust is formed.
  10. 17. Type of plate boundary where two plates collide.