Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle, By: Jessie Cooper and Morgan Ferqueron

  1. 2. layer of the earth
  2. 4. plate boundaries/ where most volcanoes occur
  3. 5. word for plate tectonics
  4. 8. force
  5. 11. core/ liquid layer of earth's core
  6. 13. Boundary/Where two plates push against each other
  7. 14. spreading/the process in which new oceanic lithosphere forms as magma rises towards the surface and solidifies.
  8. 15. landmass of all of today's continents combined
  9. 16. Boundary/boundary where two plates move away from each other
  10. 17. force
  1. 1. of mantle rock that flows slowly and allows tectonic plates to float on top of it\
  2. 3. tectonics/the theory that explains how large pieces of earth's outermost layer called tectonic plates move and change shape
  3. 6. outermost layer made of the crust and the top part of the mantle
  4. 7. crust/ earth's crust located under the ocean
  5. 8. crust/surface above sea level that composes earth's continents
  6. 9. break in earth's crust
  7. 10. core/solid dense center of the earth
  8. 12. fold in the rock layers due to stress
  9. 17. boundary/boundary where two plates slide past each other