Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, and Volcanoes

  1. 4. when 2 plates collide and one ends up bellow the other
  2. 7. openings in the earths crust that when erupting spews out molten rock
  3. 8. volcano that is unlikely to erupt again
  4. 11. when 2 plates move away
  5. 12. volcano that erupted in the last 2000 years/ sleeping
  6. 14. instrument used to track eartquakes
  7. 16. when 2 plates collide but slide past each other horizontally
  8. 19. volcano that erupted recently in the last 50 years
  9. 20. molten rock once outside of the volcano
  1. 1. continents moving slowly
  2. 2. point where 2 or more plates meet
  3. 3. causes continental drift
  4. 5. shaking and vibration of the earths crust due to plates moving
  5. 6. the point inside crust where the pressure is released
  6. 9. earth's 4th layer
  7. 10. the Earth's first layer
  8. 13. earth's 3rd layer
  9. 15. the earth's 2nd layer
  10. 17. molten rock inside the crater of the volcano
  11. 18. Pangaea continent