Plate Tectonics ELABORATE Paper Option

  1. 2. mechanical Earth layer containing convection currents that move tectonic plates
  2. 3. occurs when one plate moves under another plate at a convergent boundary
  3. 6. movement of divergent boundaries
  4. 9. boundary where plates move past each other
  5. 11. happens at all boundaries, but mostly at transform boundaries
  6. 12. spreads as new crust forms at a divergent boundary on the ocean floor
  7. 13. happens when two convergent boundaries of the same density collide
  8. 14. movement of transform boundaries
  9. 15. boundary where plates move away from each other
  1. 1. mechanical Earth layer that is cracked into tectonic plates
  2. 4. boundary where plates move toward each other
  3. 5. happens at divergent and convergent boundaries whenever magma comes to Earth's surface
  4. 7. movement of convergent boundaries
  5. 8. thermal energy transfer method that causes teconic plates to move
  6. 10. formed because Earth's lithosphere is cracked