plate tectonics lab

  1. 2. the sideways and downward movement of the edge of a plate of the earth's crust into the mantle beneath another plate.
  2. 3. a mountain with lava that comes out
  3. 5. linear-shaped lowland between several highlands or mountain ranges created by the action of a geologic rift.
  4. 7. when convergent boundary collide it makes
  5. 8. makes earthquakes
  6. 10. crust that is new
  1. 1. a long, seismically active submarine ridge system situated in the middle of an ocean basin and marking the site of the upwelling of magma associated with seafloor spreading. An example is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
  2. 4. lava in the ground
  3. 6. makes mountain
  4. 9. crust that isn't new