Plate Tectonics & Ocean Floor

  1. 2. This increases as you get deeper in the ocean and in the earth as well
  2. 3. A boundary where two tectonic plates are colliding.
  3. 4. the inner most layer of the earth
  4. 9. the scientific tool used to detect mountains in the ocean
  5. 10. The outermost layer of the Earth's surface that includes the ocean floor.
  6. 14. the part of the ocean floor where light reaches the most
  7. 15. Large sections of the Earth's lithosphere that float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere.
  8. 17. The lowest part of the ocean floor
  9. 19. A boundary were two tectonic plates are sliding past each other
  1. 1. The outermost layer located above water.
  2. 4. The process by which continents move over geological time.
  3. 5. A part of the convergent boundary when one plate overlaps the other
  4. 6. the middle layer of the earth
  5. 7. The process of the ocean floor spreading apart at mid-ocean ridges.
  6. 8. a deep sea mountain that was previously a volcano but whos top had flattened below sea level.
  7. 11. A boundary where two tectonic plates are moving away from each other.
  8. 12. the mountainous structure in subduction zones that forms as a result of an upswelling of magma
  9. 13. The last name of the person who hypothesized continental drift.
  10. 16. The part of the divergent boundary that plays a large role in seafloor spreading.
  11. 18. The supercontinent that existed before all of the continents separated due to continental drift