Plate Tectonics Puzzle

  1. 3. Thin, fractured layer of rock on Earth's surface.
  2. 5. Largest plate of ocean crust.
  3. 6. One plate is shoved under another at a convergent boundary.
  4. 9. Our "home" plate (where the U.S. sits).
  5. 12. Boundary where plates are sliding past each other.
  6. 13. Super-continent that existed 250 million years ago.
  7. 14. German scientist who developed Continental Drift theory.
  1. 1. Underwater mountain range formed at a divergent boundary
  2. 2. Deep ocean valley formed by subduction.
  3. 4. Boundary where plates are pushing together.
  4. 7. Boundary where plates are pulling apart
  5. 8. Thick layer of molten rock beneath the crust.
  6. 10. Earth's center, made of iron.
  7. 11. American geologist who discovered "sea floor spreading".