Plate Tectonics Review

  1. 4. when two plates collide under water, these can be formed
  2. 6. when two continental plates collide, these can be formed
  3. 8. type of plate boundary where plates move toward each other
  4. 11. vibrations in the ground that happen at transform boundaries
  5. 12. piece of crust that move because of convection currents
  6. 14. this is the location on Earth's surface directly above the earthquakes fault
  7. 16. the place where the majority of volcanoes occur
  8. 19. point under ground where the earthquake begins
  9. 20. severe earthquakes can cause these in or near an ocean
  10. 21. volcanoes play a role in this problem due to ash blocking sun rays and volcanic gasses increasing or decreasing temperatures
  1. 1. most common type of divergent plate boundary (three words)
  2. 2. supercontinent that broke apart over time
  3. 3. vent in the Earth's crust where molten rock flows
  4. 5. an area in the middle of tectonic plates where molten rock (magma) escapes past the crust
  5. 7. type of plate boundary where plates move apart from each other
  6. 9. type of plate boundary where plates slide past each other
  7. 10. the scientist who discovered the Theory of Continental drift but could not prove it
  8. 13. energy released during an earthquake is called
  9. 15. cause tectonic plates to move
  10. 17. these match up on different continents; it helped to prove the theory of Continental Drift
  11. 18. when one plate slides beneath another because it is more dense, this is called?
  12. 19. breaks in the Earth's surface where earthquakes occur