Plate Tectonics (Solliday - Phys. Geo.)

  1. 3. core the liquid layer within the core made of iron and nickel.
  2. 5. the layer below the lithosphere that allows the lithospheric plates to move around due to convection currents within it.
  3. 7. any episode of mountain building in Earth’s past.
  4. 8. A change in the polarity of Earth's magnetic field in which the north magnetic pole becomes the south magnetic pole and vice versa.
  5. 14. the thickest layer within Earth’s interior between the crust and core.
  6. 15. the older, thick, felsic, low density crust that the continents rest upon.
  7. 16. a boundary between two plates that are moving apart.
  8. 17. the large super-continent made of all the continents when they were joined together in the past.
  1. 1. the solid surface of Earth made of the upper mantle and all of the crust.
  2. 2. the theory that the continents drifted about freely on Earth’s surface.
  3. 4. the divergence at mid-ocean ridges of the tectonic plates underlying the oceans that is due to upwelling from the earth's interior of magma which solidifies and adds to the spreading plates.
  4. 6. a boundary between two plates that are coming together.
  5. 9. when the edges of two crustal plates move past each other in opposite directions perpendicular to each other.
  6. 10. the action or process in plate tectonics of the edge of one crustal plate descending below the edge of another
  7. 11. the younger, thin, mafic, high density crust that lies at the bottom of the oceans.
  8. 12. the solid layer within the core made of iron and nickel.
  9. 13. a theory in geology that the lithosphere of the earth is divided into a small number of plates which float on and travel independently over the asthenosphere and much of the earth's seismic activity and volcanism occurs at the boundaries of these plates.
  10. 15. the movement of heat by flowing substances.