Plate Tectonics Test Review

  1. 2. ____________ crust is thin and dense.
  2. 4. The broad gently sloping volcano that mostly nonexplosive.
  3. 9. The metamorphic rock that limestone turns into.
  4. 13. All are inorganic, solid, natural, crystalline, and have chemical composition.
  5. 15. The boundary type where plates come together.
  6. 16. Stress at a strike slip fault
  7. 17. Where convection currents move the plates.
  8. 20. Process where crust is destroyed.
  9. 21. Has pea sized tephra fragments piled around a vent.
  10. 24. The circle of active volcanoes around the Pacific Ocean.
  11. 25. ________ is an organic sedimentary rock used for energy production.
  12. 26. The metamorphic rock that sandstone turns into.
  13. 27. Stress at a normal fault.
  14. 28. Common example of strike slip (side by side) plate motion at the surface.
  15. 30. Seconds that separate P and S waves if you are 400km from epicenter (use chart on back of notes).
  16. 32. The number of half lives that have occured if 1/16 parent isotope remains.
  17. 33. The rock type that can contain fossils.
  18. 34. Way s waves move relative to the direction of motion.
  1. 1. Point where an earthquake originates below the surface.
  2. 3. Steep sided with alternating layers of tephra and magma.
  3. 5. Densest layer over 12g/mL.
  4. 6. The boundary type at the mid ocean ridge.
  5. 7. Stress at a reverse fault.
  6. 8. fool's gold mineral name
  7. 10. ______ rocks are classified as intrusive or extrusive.
  8. 11. The Metamorphic rock that shale turns into.
  9. 12. __________ rocks have small grains because they have cool quickly on the surface.
  10. 14. Rocks are classified into 3 groups based on their ______ (how they formed).
  11. 18. The type of mining that has the LEAST impact on the environment (of the surface).
  12. 19. Color of mineral powder when rubbed on rough surface.
  13. 22. A visual inspection of a mineral described as metallic or nonmetallic.
  14. 23. The boundary that never has volcanoes.
  15. 29. If a mineral scratches calcite with a hardness of 3, but is scratched by apatite with a hardness of 5...what is the mineral hardness.
  16. 31. Country found at the top of the mid ocean ridge.