Plate Tectonics Theory

  1. 3. The name given to the supercontinent that existed about 200 million years ago before it began to break apart
  2. 4. A boundary where two tectonic plates move toward each other, often resulting in subduction and the formation of mountain ranges or volcanic arcs
  3. 5. A boundary where two tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally, often resulting in earthquakes
  4. 7. A boundary where two tectonic plates move apart, often leading to the formation of a mid-ocean ridge and seafloor spreading
  5. 8. The hypothesis that the continents were once joined together in a single supercontinent and have since moved apart
  6. 9. The layer of Earth beneath the crust, made up of hot, dense rock
  1. 1. The process by which new oceanic crust is created at mid-ocean ridges as two tectonic plates move apart
  2. 2. A long, continuous underwater mountain range that runs through the center of most ocean basins
  3. 3. The theory that Earth's outer shell is divided into several plates that move and interact with each other
  4. 6. The process by which one tectonic plate is forced under another and into the mantle