Plate Tectonics Vocabulary

  1. 2. volcanoes formed on the ocean floor when two ocean plates collide and one is subducted
  2. 5. the upper part of the mantle and all of the crust - it makes up the plates
  3. 8. part of the core that is solid because of so much pressure pushing down
  4. 11. the theory for how Earth's surface is broken up into plates that move and cause earthquakes and volcanoes
  5. 12. type of boundary where plates move apart from each other
  6. 13. really thin crust that makes up the ocean floor
  7. 17. innermost layer of the Earth broken into two sub layers
  8. 19. the part of the core that is liquid due to extreme heat
  9. 20. the upper part of the mantle right under the lithosphere that moves very slowly
  10. 21. the outermost layer of Earth
  11. 22. theory that all the continents were together as one and they slowly drifted to their current locations
  1. 1. long,deep,v-shaped featured underwater formed at subduction zone
  2. 3. type of boundary where plates collide together
  3. 4. the middle and largest layer of the Earth
  4. 6. really thick crust that makes up continents
  5. 7. type of boundary where plates slide right past each other
  6. 9. a long, narrow valley in Earth's crust where two plates are separating
  7. 10. an underwater mountain chain where new ocean floor is formed due to seafloor spreading
  8. 14. when a dense ocean plate dives under another plate and melts
  9. 15. hot magma rises near the mid ocean ridge, the ocean crust cracks and magma turns into rock
  10. 16. ancient super-continent
  11. 18. german scientist who proposed the continental drift theory