Plate Tectonics Vocabulary

  1. 2. largest layer of the earth, mostly solid, “stretches like silly putty, flows like maple syrup”
  2. 4. deepest point on the ocean floor in the Pacific Ocean, formed at a subduction zone
  3. 6. an area in the mantle that is hotter than the surrounding mantle
  4. 9. a German scientist who came up with the Continental drift Hypothesis
  5. 10. the rigid outer part of the earth which consists of the crust and upper part of the mantle, cold and brittle, broken into plates
  6. 12. the circular movement of energy in which heat rises and cold sinks
  7. 14. a plate boundary which occurs where 2 plates are moving away from each other ( dividing)
  8. 16. large underwater mountain chain formed at a divergent plate boundary (spreading center)
  9. 17. a plate boundary in which 2 plates are sliding horizontally past each other
  10. 18. a plate boundary which occurs where 2 plates are moving towards each other
  1. 1. melting which occurs due to a reduction in pressure
  2. 3. the upper layer of the mantle on which the lithosphere moves
  3. 5. a supercontinent which existed at the end of the paleozoic when all of the continents were together as 1 land mass
  4. 7. the only liquid layer of the Earth composed of molten iron and nickel
  5. 8. a process which occurs at the mid ocean ridge where magma comes to the surface and new ocean crust is formed
  6. 11. long, narrow depressions on the seafloor caused at subduction zones; deepest parts of the ocean
  7. 13. oceanic lithosphere is pushed under another plate at a convergent boundary and melts, creating the “fuel” for a volcano
  8. 15. the center of the Earth composed of solid iron and nickel